Garage Sale-ing Late Saturday Morning


garage sale-ing late Saturday morning

we pull up to a brown house

the entrance a clutter the

carpet moldy old

and gray

an old fashioned bathtub and

no wallpaper in the bathroom

chipped blue and white

paint with rust colored strokes in between

I fall in love with the

cheap plastic tables

covered in vases and

salt and pepper shakers shaped like bears and

I pick the avon powder satchet,

pink with Indian gold design

and one vase tall and

turqoise with Japenese style veins or vines

also gold,

and gold


and one off-green and white with brown vase,

skinny with

a round ball at the bottom

and a broken white

flower trimmed in silver.

they give us free canvases

to paint over and my

mom considers buying a

projector screen but doesn’t

then we drive away with our riches.