adjective: uncommon
out of the ordinary; unusual
noun: thread (literary)
2. a long, thin line or piece of something.
a theme or characteristic, typically forming one of several, running throughout a situation or piece of writing.
(Miriam-Webster, 2018)
The name The Uncommon Thread made sense a few years ago, but I don’t love it anymore. Do you remember the period of time when everyone took up knitting?
I never took up knitting. And this site has nothing to do with pretty yarn (although that exists!)
Before that it was Sarah’s Sunbeam, which was sticky-sweet and tacky. You’ll see that oversized watermark on some older photos.
I’m not good at naming websites! But anyway. Someday I’ll change it.
I am not selling anything, I’m just writing things.
I write about misadventures & travel stories with photos of mountains & colorful doors.
I write book reviews.
Learning in public, writing things down…
It’s a little messy.
Purple & white door with closed shutters. Lime green trim.